Thursday, August 10, 2023

Rusty Jabbz Newsletter August 2023 Issue #03 "THE TIME IS NOW!"

There comes a time in your life where you have to make changes. Before I go any further on the blog. I do not want to confuse my original readers. Today we're going to have a conversation about people being taken for granted for their homes. This is something that have been going on for quite a few years now. Your probably thinking, "Spin why are you bringing up this topic?" If anyone is wondering that. It's because of a good friend of mine. I would like to give a big shout out to my homegirl, Latoya. If it wasn't for her getting me interested into the subject at hand. I wouldn't have met a cool brother today. Give a salute 🫑 and a round of applause πŸ‘πŸΏ πŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏ to Alonde LeGrand. I had the pleasure of meeting this brother. I was able to get a better understanding of why people are being bought out of their homes.
Alonde Grand is from Crown Heights. There are alot of homes in these neighborhoods worth more in property value than the original cost of the home. In particular Alonde's home. According to Alonde, he has a home of history that been there since 1926. We're talking 97 years this home have been passed down within the family. 
Now, this is where it gets juicy. I'm not a realtor but you can imagine the cost of a home like that today. A 97 year old home in Brooklyn. It explains alot of things. The constant harassment of Alonde and his family. The eviction notices posting. What Alonde told me, What Babylon did?  The Pigs πŸ– bursting inside of Alonde's home from the back door with guns blazing, ordering them to leave there own home. That's the lowest of the lowest coming from the police. They treated my brother like he's a drug dealer. Bursting into his home, like they were bursting into a trap house. This is why, I don't fuck with C-Cypher. 
Alonde is going to continue to live there. This home will remain in the family. I actually think this is beautiful. To own something for this long particularly a house. Most definitely that is cool. I support Alonde Legrande on any efforts.
Anyone looking to support Alonde LeGrand and his struggles become apart of his non-profit organization, "Face Us" and "No Family Left Behind"
Once again, thank you to my homegirl Latoya I really appreciate all of this.πŸ‘πŸΏ
To Alonde LeGrand, I had a pleasant afternoon with you. I'am sorry you are going through it. I hope you can get your situation resolved and at the same time continue helping other people in your community. Your a good brother. We need more positive African-American men in our community. "RESPECT!"  πŸ€œπŸΎπŸ€›πŸΎ

1 comment:

FirstLadyWorldwide said...

Thank you Dj.Handspin for taking time out
To educate our community with the knowledge that was given to you. A shout out to Alonde Legrand for doing his research not just for his family but for his community. Continue to share your knowledge that which you find during your research and build a stronger community to make a difference. FirstLadyWorldwide!!!