Tuesday, November 11, 2014


TOP FIVE written & directed by Chris Rock Co-Produced by: Jay Z and Kanye West

Jay Z and Kanye West, co- producing a film with Chris Rock. Is that the reason, why I rush down here. Probably not but I know from the look and length of this line I can tell this is what everyone else rushed down here for.

Okay, after that announcement. Maybe I should have rushed down here. I didn't carry myself all the way up to Lincoln Square's AMC theatre. Just to get rejected and sent back home.

I knew something was up. This was too good to be true. Well,  that's what they get for inviting/ confirming so many tickets. They confirmed more tickets than the theater's capacity.

CEO: Jason "Dj Handspin Dinero" Lamar
Rusty Jabbz Entertainment Group
Office:    1-347-789-4543
Cellular: 1-646-339-4981
Cellular: 1-347-902-5355
E-mail: djhandspindinero@gmail.com
E-mail: djhandspindinero@yahoo.com
E-mail: rustyjabbzblogazine@yahoo.com
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Site: www.queerazspin.blogspot.com
Site: www.rustyjabbzentertainment.blogspot.
Vlog:  www.vimeo.com/rustyjabbz
Vlog:  www.youtube.com/worldwidejabbz

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